Pet Poison Information

Tips from Pet Poison Helpline to Help Keep Your Pet Safe!

This information is presented as a public service by NDN. We do not endorse nor are we remunerated by Pet Poison Helpline. A $35 fee is billed directly by Pet Poison Helpline.

There is a cost involved for Pet Poison Helpline service, which is explained by the following statement issued by Pet Poison Helpline.

Why does Pet Poison Helpline charge for this service?

Pet Poison Helpline logoPet Poison Helpline’s sole purpose is to ensure that pets stay healthy and safe. Pet Poison Helpline’s single goal is to prevent a pet’s injury or illness from potential poisoning. To accomplish this, there is a one time $35 per incident that incorporates free follow-up consultations with both the pet owner and the veterinarian. Pet Poison Helpline is available 24/7. Unlike public poison control centers in the human sector, animal poison controls receive no state or federal funding to support their existence. If they did not charge, they could not exist.
